Wednesday 31 May 2017

Nelson Mandela 

Turning point

 Increasingly aware of the unjust nature of South African Society. The majority of Black South 

of Africans had little opportunities either Economic or Political, then he become political. In 

the 50s S.A. state make increasingly repressive making it more difficult for the ANC to operate. 

Then he resin it and worked underground. Mandela noted in his autobiography the judiciary were one 

of the least repressive parts of the South African State and in theory sought to follow the rule of law.

 Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island 



In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded Nobel Prize.
Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa

         Glayds Elphic

  • 1904    born in Adelaide
  • 1922    married  Frederick Joseph
  • 1940    joined the Aborigines Advancement League of South Australia
  • 1960    served on its activities committee
  • 1964    president of the Council of Aboriginal Women of South Australia
  • 1977    founder of the Aboriginal Medical Service.
  • 1984     she was named South Australian Aboriginal
  • 1988     died

Tuesday 7 March 2017

                                              A Green  World

We heared the news about recycle and our environment. When we recycle, our recycle rubbish we are try to save our environment. The news reader told us three tips to save our environment. When the council instruct our people how to chose the correct bin. When we recycle our news papers we are able to save our trees and environment. 

Monday 6 March 2017


                               Kyoto Protocol

This article shows Kyoto Protocol conference. More than 150 countries got together and  talked about the global  warming. The U.S.A., which products 25 percent of world pollution.The U.S. government rejects the Kyoto Protocol, which it's affect their economic. 

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Solar Taxi

The solar taxi is new to us. A Swiss engineer who has invented the solar taxi is good news for us. We are able to save energy. We can save our environment  and the world.When we use it, it will positive about carbon neutral.

Monday 27 February 2017

Immigration to Australia, 1992 & 2002

The graph shows the immigration to Australia in 1992 and 2002. In 1992, 3308 South &Central American immigrants were came to Australia. But 2002 only 900 immigrants were came hear.

In 1992, 2823 Africans immigrants wear came to Australia.But 2002, 9311 immigrants were came to Australia. It's happened of the war.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Global Warming and people awareness

Annual Greenhouse Emission by Sector

Air Pollution

Air Pollution

 There are many forms of pollution that negatively affects the environment. Four of the major forms are air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution and land pollution. This article focuses on air pollution. 

Air pollution is when the air is of a poor quality that harms people and the surrounding  environment.It is one of the health concerns in Sydney.Some of the factors that causes air pollution are burning fossil fuels which releases greenhouses gases and agricultural activities. Furthermore, smoke from industrial factories, exhaust from vehicles can release Carbon Monoxide and other harmful fumes into the air, dust particles from mining or building, fires and harmful gases such as methane can also pollute the air. 

There are a number of health issues caused by air pollution, such as asthma, lung diseases, heart diseases and can also cause cancer. A long term effect can be a shortened life span, extreme damage to the liver and kidneys and on an extreme level, it can also cause death.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Hi friends,

This is Ranjan. I am studying EFS at Granville TAFE. I am happy to share that I have good classmates.They all share our work and help each other to study English. Every one is very friendly with others.

Our teachers are very friendly and kind to us. They always help us to improve our English. They also encourage us to achieve our goal. 

I am happy to be studying at this TAFE. There are lot of facilities in our TAFE that we are able to use during our time here. This will be an unforgettable moment in my life.

Air Pollution

 There are many forms of pollution that negatively affects the environment. Four of the major forms are air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution and land pollution. This article focuses on air pollution. 

Air pollution is when the air is of a poor quality that harms people and the surrounding  environment.It is one of the health concerns in Sydney.Some of the factors that causes air pollution are burning fossil fuels which releases greenhouses gases and agricultural activities. Furthermore, smoke from industrial factories, exhaust from vehicles can release Carbon Monoxide and other harmful fumes into the air, dust particles from mining or building, fires and harmful gases such as methane can also pollute the air. 

There are a number of health issues caused by air pollution, such as asthma, lung diseases, heart diseases and can also cause cancer. A long term effect can be a shortened life span, extreme damage to the liver and kidneys and on an extreme level, it can also cause death.