Wednesday 22 February 2017

Air Pollution

Air Pollution

 There are many forms of pollution that negatively affects the environment. Four of the major forms are air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution and land pollution. This article focuses on air pollution. 

Air pollution is when the air is of a poor quality that harms people and the surrounding  environment.It is one of the health concerns in Sydney.Some of the factors that causes air pollution are burning fossil fuels which releases greenhouses gases and agricultural activities. Furthermore, smoke from industrial factories, exhaust from vehicles can release Carbon Monoxide and other harmful fumes into the air, dust particles from mining or building, fires and harmful gases such as methane can also pollute the air. 

There are a number of health issues caused by air pollution, such as asthma, lung diseases, heart diseases and can also cause cancer. A long term effect can be a shortened life span, extreme damage to the liver and kidneys and on an extreme level, it can also cause death.

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